San Ramon Little League utilizes parents, current 11u to 14u players and former Little League players for its Umpires in level A Ball and above. For information on how to apply to be an umpire, please email our Umpire in Charge at
[email protected]
San Ramon Little League is now recruiting new umpires for the 2021 Baseball season. If you know someone who is interested in becoming an umpire (they must be 12 years old by 8/31/2022 to umpire AA-AAA, and 11 years old by 8/31/2022 for A-Ball games to be done with your Father or Mother).
Please fill out the attached Umpire application form, and bring to training.
Information on Field Conditions:
Umpires, and the City of San Ramon have a role in weather related game decisions. The City of San Ramon has changed its method for notifying of field closures due to weather. The current field line is no longer in use. Instead the City has developed an email notification system for providing that information. Please subscribe to this system to be sure you receive up to date information on field closers for City fields.
To sign up, go to the City's web site at
www.sanramon.ca.gov. On the home page on the right hand side there will be an icon that says "Subscribe to Email Updates". Click here and after you enter your email address, you can sign up for any number of city information notification items. Scroll down a little to the "Living in San Ramon" Section, and you will find the Sports Field Hotline.
In addition to signing up for emails, you can also have notifications sent to your cell phone by text message. At the top of the page there will be an option highlighted for Subscriber Preferences. After selecting this option, you can change your secondary email option to a text message option.